Tidbit: Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

We have been traveling for months now. Changing location frequently. Sometimes we stay in a place for a week or two but that is rare. One or two nights is the norm. It can be somewhat disorientating, especially in the morning.

On those days when we wake naturally, we have both noticed how important it is to orientate ourselves as we gradually disentangle from the arms of Morpheus. First, establishing where our heads are laying. Then, which way is the boat tied, where is the sun rising, what marina we are in, and in which town. Details slowly emerge from the shadowy recesses of a sleep soaked brain until it is safe to toss off the covers and greet the day. Secure in the knowledge of where in the world we are.

These observations lead to a explore a whole body of tradition in Indian culture. Vastu Shastra suggests sleeping with your head to the south is the best direction for a restful sleep. Those that sleep with their heads to the west will have a more restless sleep, but may be a more successful. It is also suggested that guest bedrooms should be set up with the head of the bed in the west so that guest do not over stay. Another way of saying that guests, like fish, are unappealing after three days.

Although there are a limited number of studies on this topic, recent research has shown that sleeping with your head to the south may promote better sleep, heart health, and mental health.

When comparing beds oriented east-to-west to those going north to south, people sleeping in the north-to-south beds had better sleep quality. People had more interrupted sleep when sleeping east-to-west as compared to north-south, and slept for less time overall in the east-to-west facing beds.

People who change the direction of their sleep to lay their heads to the south have been found to have lower blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormone levels.

Just what we need, something else to consider when asking for a slip assignment!

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One thought on “Tidbit: Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

  1. One learns the most interesting information from you. No wonder I am restless sleeper. The bed aligns west-east. We’d have to rebuild the bedroom cause windows and closet on the north- south better sleep walls mean that the bed is not movable. People who build new homes have an opportunity to do better. Sleep tight.


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